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We're Honored to be Recognized

Quite possible you've heard of these folks?

Our State Magazine

Busy Kitchen

Not once, but twice

Our State: Celebrating North Carolina is a monthly magazine based in Greensboro North Carolina, featuring travel and history articles and photographs about North Carolina people, places and events. Mrs. Lacy's was lucky enough to be featured not once, but twice in this amazing magazine about our spectacular state.

WRAL Tar Heel Traveler

Tar Heel Traveler | Scott Mason | Tommy & Faye Shultz

Scott Mason came knockin'

The Tar Heel Traveler takes us to fascinating places across the state and into the lives of memorable characters. One of those places Scott Mason visited was Mrs. Lacy’s. We were grateful to be featured on the Tar Heel Traveler. Scott tells his stories Monday through Thursdays at 5:55 p.m. on WRAL-TV, and he has also written about them in his many books!

How About a Recommendation?

If you can get one before the sell out...

Try Dr. McLeod's Stuffed Potato

Dig in and enjoy!